Kunbus RevPi Con M-Bus VHP

1 678,00 kr

ProtocolM-BusPower supply5VIP codeIP20EAN4260498391004WEEE-Reg.-No.:DE 34461592Item no.100282Compatible base modulesRevPi Connect (Article No. 100274)
RevPi Connect+ 8GB (Article No. 100302)
RevPi Connect+ 16GB (Article No. 100303)
RevPi Connect+ 32GB (Article No. 100304)

By using RevPi Con M-Bus VHP you can equip your RevPi Connect with 169MHz Wireless M-Bus. The expansion module has an SMA socket at the front for connecting an antenna (antenna not included in the scope of delivery).

This expansion module is supplied with power directly via the overhead connector (item no. 100297) and does not require an additional voltage source. The overhead connector (item no.: 100297) for connection to the base unit is included in the scope of delivery of the expansion module.

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